Search.js 10.1 KB
/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/href-no-hash */

import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'reactstrap';

import s from './Search.module.scss';
import i1 from '../../../../images/search/1.jpg';
import i2 from '../../../../images/search/5.jpg';
import i3 from '../../../../images/search/3.jpg';
import i4 from '../../../../images/search/13.jpg';

class Search extends React.Component {

  render() {
    return (
      <div className={s.root}>
        <ol className="breadcrumb">
          <li className="breadcrumb-item">YOU ARE HERE</li>
          <li className="breadcrumb-item active">Search Results</li>
        <h1 className="page-title">Matching - <span className="fw-semi-bold">Results</span></h1>
        <div className="btn-toolbar justify-content-between">
          <div className="d-inline-flex">
              <DropdownToggle color="default" caret>
              <DropdownToggle color="default" caret>
                All Time
                <DropdownItem>Last 24h</DropdownItem>
                <DropdownItem>Last Month</DropdownItem>
                <DropdownItem>Last Year</DropdownItem>

            <Button color="gray" className="active"><i className="fa fa-th-list" /></Button>
            <Button color="gray"><i className="fa fa-th-large" /></Button>
        <Row className="mt-3 d-block">
          <Col xl={3} sm={12} className="float-xl-right">
            <h5>Results <span className="fw-semi-bold">Filtering</span></h5>
            <p className="text-muted fs-mini">Listed content is categorized by the following groups:</p>
            <Nav className={`nav-pills flex-column nav-stacked ${s.searchResultCategories} mt`}>
                <NavLink href="#">
                  Hot Ideas
                  <Badge color="default" pill className="float-right">34</Badge>
                <NavLink href="#">
                  Latest Pictures
                  <Badge color="default" pill className="float-right">9</Badge>
                <NavLink href="#">Labels of Day</NavLink>
                <NavLink href="#">Recent Movies</NavLink>
                <NavLink href="#">
                  <Badge color="default" pill className="float-right">18</Badge>

          <Col xl={9} sm={12}>
            <p className={s.searchResultsCount}>About 94 700 000 (0.39 sec.) results</p>
            <section className={`${s.searchResultItem}`}>
              <button className={`btn-link ${s.imageLink}`}>
                <img className={s.image} src={i1} alt="" />
              <div className={s.searchResultItemBody}>
                  <Col md={9}>
                    <h4 className={s.searchResultItemHeading}>
                      <button className="btn-link">Next generation admin template</button>
                    <p className={}>
                      New York, NY 20188
                    <p className={s.description}>
                      Not just usual Metro. But something bigger. Not just usual widgets, but real
                      widgets. Not just yet another admin template,
                      but next generation admin template.
                  <Col md={3} xs={12} className="text-center">
                    <p className="value3 mt-sm">
                      $9, 700
                    <p className="fs-mini text-muted">
                      PER WEEK
                    <Button color="info" size="sm">Learn More</Button>
            <section className={s.searchResultItem}>
              <button className={`btn-link ${s.imageLink}`}>
                <img className={s.image} src={i2} alt="" />
              <div className={s.searchResultItemBody}>
                  <Col md={9}>
                    <h4 className={s.searchResultItemHeading}>
                      <button className="btn-link">Try. Posted by Okendoken</button>
                        <span className="badge badge-pill badge-danger float-right">
                          <span className="fw-normal"> Best Deal!</span>
                    <p className={}>
                      Los Angeles, NY 20188
                    <p className={s.description}>
                      You will never know exactly how something will go until you try it. You can
                      think three hundred times and still have no precise result.
                  <Col md={3} xs={12} className="text-center">
                    <p className="value3 mt-sm">
                      $10, 300
                    <p className="fs-mini text-muted">
                      PER WEEK
                    <Button color="info" size="sm">Learn More</Button>
            <section className={s.searchResultItem}>
              <button className={`btn-link ${s.imageLink}`}>
                <img className={s.image} src={i3} alt="" />
              <div className={s.searchResultItemBody}>
                  <Col md={9}>
                    <h4 className={s.searchResultItemHeading}>
                      <button className="btn-link">Vitaut the Great</button>
                    <p className={}>
                      New York, NY 20188
                    <p className={s.description}>
                      The Great Prince of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania he had stopped the invasion
                      to Europe of Timur (Tamerlan) from Asia heading a big Army
                      of Belarusians, Lithuanians.
                  <Col md={3} xs={12} className="text-center">
                    <p className="value3 mt-sm">
                      $3, 200
                    <p className="fs-mini text-muted">
                      PER WEEK
                    <Button color="info" size="sm">Learn More</Button>
            <section className={s.searchResultItem}>
              <button className={`btn-link ${s.imageLink}`}>
                <img className={s.image} src={i4} alt="" />
              <div className={s.searchResultItemBody}>
                  <Col md={9}>
                    <h4 className={s.searchResultItemHeading}>
                      <button className="btn-link">Can I use CSS3 Radial-Gradient?</button>
                    <p className={}>
                      Minsk, NY 20188
                    <p className={s.description}>
                      Yes you can! Further more, you should!
                      It let&#39;s you create really beautiful images
                      either for elements or for the entire background.
                  <Col md={3} xs={12} className="text-center">
                    <p className="value3 mt-sm">
                      $2, 400
                    <p className="fs-mini text-muted">
                      PER MONTH
                    <Button color="info" size="sm">Learn More</Button>
            <div className="d-flex justify-content-center mt-3">
                <PaginationItem disabled>
                  <PaginationLink previous href="#">Prev</PaginationLink>
                <PaginationItem active>
                  <PaginationLink href="#">1</PaginationLink>
                  <PaginationLink href="#">2</PaginationLink>
                  <PaginationLink href="#">3</PaginationLink>
                  <PaginationLink href="#">4</PaginationLink>
                  <PaginationLink href="#">5</PaginationLink>
                  <PaginationLink next href="#">Next</PaginationLink>


export default Search;