trigger.js 5.01 KB
'use strict';

exports.__esModule = true;

var _utils = require('../utils');

var utils = _interopRequireWildcard(_utils);

function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } }

var trigger = {

  renameColumnTrigger: function renameColumnTrigger(tableName, columnName, to) {
    var triggerName = utils.generateCombinedName('autoinc_trg', tableName);
    var sequenceName = utils.generateCombinedName('seq', tableName);
    return 'DECLARE ' + 'PK_NAME VARCHAR(200); ' + 'IS_AUTOINC NUMBER := 0; ' + 'BEGIN' + ('  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (\'ALTER TABLE "' + tableName + '" RENAME COLUMN "' + columnName + '" TO "' + to + '"\');') + ('  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO IS_AUTOINC from "USER_TRIGGERS" where trigger_name = \'' + triggerName + '\';') + '  IF (IS_AUTOINC > 0) THEN' + '    SELECT cols.column_name INTO PK_NAME' + '    FROM all_constraints cons, all_cons_columns cols' + '    WHERE cons.constraint_type = \'P\'' + '    AND cons.constraint_name = cols.constraint_name' + '    AND cons.owner = cols.owner' + ('    AND cols.table_name = \'' + tableName + '\';') + ('    IF (\'' + to + '\' = PK_NAME) THEN') + ('      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (\'DROP TRIGGER "' + triggerName + '"\');') + ('      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (\'create or replace trigger "' + triggerName + '"') + ('      BEFORE INSERT on "' + tableName + '" for each row') + '        declare' + '        checking number := 1;' + '        begin' + ('          if (:new."' + to + '" is null) then') + '            while checking >= 1 loop' + ('              select "' + sequenceName + '".nextval into :new."' + to + '" from dual;') + ('              select count("' + to + '") into checking from "' + tableName + '"') + ('              where "' + to + '" = :new."' + to + '";') + '            end loop;' + '          end if;' + '        end;\');' + '    end if;' + '  end if;' + 'END;';

  createAutoIncrementTrigger: function createAutoIncrementTrigger(tableName) {
    var triggerName = utils.generateCombinedName('autoinc_trg', tableName);
    var sequenceName = utils.generateCombinedName('seq', tableName);
    return 'DECLARE ' + 'PK_NAME VARCHAR(200); ' + 'BEGIN' + ('  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (\'CREATE SEQUENCE "' + sequenceName + '"\');') + '  SELECT cols.column_name INTO PK_NAME' + '  FROM all_constraints cons, all_cons_columns cols' + '  WHERE cons.constraint_type = \'P\'' + '  AND cons.constraint_name = cols.constraint_name' + '  AND cons.owner = cols.owner' + ('  AND cols.table_name = \'' + tableName + '\';') + ('  execute immediate (\'create or replace trigger "' + triggerName + '"') + ('  BEFORE INSERT on "' + tableName + '"') + '  for each row' + '  declare' + '  checking number := 1;' + '  begin' + '    if (:new."\' || PK_NAME || \'" is null) then' + '      while checking >= 1 loop' + ('        select "' + sequenceName + '".nextval into :new."\' || PK_NAME || \'" from dual;') + ('        select count("\' || PK_NAME || \'") into checking from "' + tableName + '"') + '        where "\' || PK_NAME || \'" = :new."\' || PK_NAME || \'";' + '      end loop;' + '    end if;' + '  end;\'); ' + 'END;';

  renameTableAndAutoIncrementTrigger: function renameTableAndAutoIncrementTrigger(tableName, to) {
    var triggerName = utils.generateCombinedName('autoinc_trg', tableName);
    var sequenceName = utils.generateCombinedName('seq', tableName);
    var toTriggerName = utils.generateCombinedName('autoinc_trg', to);
    var toSequenceName = utils.generateCombinedName('seq', to);
    return 'DECLARE ' + 'PK_NAME VARCHAR(200); ' + 'IS_AUTOINC NUMBER := 0; ' + 'BEGIN' + ('  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (\'RENAME "' + tableName + '" TO "' + to + '"\');') + ('  SELECT COUNT(*) INTO IS_AUTOINC from "USER_TRIGGERS" where trigger_name = \'' + triggerName + '\';') + '  IF (IS_AUTOINC > 0) THEN' + ('    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (\'DROP TRIGGER "' + triggerName + '"\');') + ('    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (\'RENAME "' + sequenceName + '" TO "' + toSequenceName + '"\');') + '    SELECT cols.column_name INTO PK_NAME' + '    FROM all_constraints cons, all_cons_columns cols' + '    WHERE cons.constraint_type = \'P\'' + '    AND cons.constraint_name = cols.constraint_name' + '    AND cons.owner = cols.owner' + ('    AND cols.table_name = \'' + to + '\';') + ('    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (\'create or replace trigger "' + toTriggerName + '"') + ('    BEFORE INSERT on "' + to + '" for each row') + '      declare' + '      checking number := 1;' + '      begin' + '        if (:new."\' || PK_NAME || \'" is null) then' + '          while checking >= 1 loop' + ('            select "' + toSequenceName + '".nextval into :new."\' || PK_NAME || \'" from dual;') + ('            select count("\' || PK_NAME || \'") into checking from "' + to + '"') + '            where "\' || PK_NAME || \'" = :new."\' || PK_NAME || \'";' + '          end loop;' + '        end if;' + '      end;\');' + '  end if;' + 'END;';

exports.default = trigger;
module.exports = exports['default'];