
starting commit

1 +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
2 +
4 +
5 +project(vnr)
6 +
7 +set(WDK_HOME "C:\\WinDDK\\7600.16385.1" CACHE FILEPATH "path to the Windows DDK directory")
8 +
9 +add_definitions(
12 +)
13 +
14 +include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR})
15 +
16 +set(common_src
17 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ith/common/const.h
18 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ith/common/defs.h
19 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ith/common/except.h
20 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ith/common/growl.h
21 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ith/common/memory.h
22 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ith/common/types.h
23 +)
24 +
25 +set(import_src
26 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ith/import/mono/funcinfo.h
27 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ith/import/mono/types.h
28 + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ith/import/ppsspp/funcinfo.h
29 +)
30 +
31 +add_subdirectory(ith/hook)
32 +add_subdirectory(ith/host)
33 +add_subdirectory(ith/sys)
1 +#ifndef CCMACRO_H
2 +#define CCMACRO_H
3 +
4 +// ccmacro.h
5 +// 12/9/2011 jichi
6 +
7 +#define CC_UNUSED(_var) (void)(_var)
8 +#define CC_NOP CC_UNUSED(0)
9 +
10 +#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 96)
11 +# define CC_LIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), true)
12 +# define CC_UNLIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), false)
13 +#else
14 +# define CC_LIKELY(x) (x)
15 +# define CC_UNLIKELY(x) (x)
16 +#endif
17 +
18 +#define CC_MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
19 +#define CC_MAX(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (y) : (x))
20 +
21 +#endif // CCMACRO_H
1 +# ccutil.pri
2 +# 1/31/2012 jichi
3 +
5 +
7 +
8 +HEADERS += \
9 + $$PWD/ccmacro.h
10 +
11 +# EOF
This diff is collapsed. Click to expand it.
1 +@echo off
2 +setlocal
3 +if [%1] == [] (
4 + echo usage: copy_vnr <path-to-Sakura-directory>
5 + goto :EOF
6 +)
7 +xcopy %1\config.pri . /S /Y /I
8 +xcopy %1\cpp\libs\ccutil ccutil /S /Y /I
9 +xcopy %1\cpp\libs\cpputil cpputil /S /Y /I
10 +xcopy %1\cpp\libs\disasm disasm /S /Y /I /EXCLUDE:exclude.txt
11 +xcopy %1\cpp\plugins\ith ith /S /Y /I
12 +xcopy %1\cpp\libs\memdbg memdbg /S /Y /I
13 +xcopy %1\cpp\libs\ntdll ntdll /S /Y /I
14 +xcopy %1\cpp\libs\ntinspect ntinspect /S /Y /I
15 +xcopy %1\cpp\libs\winmaker winmaker /S /Y /I
16 +xcopy %1\cpp\libs\winmutex winmutex /S /Y /I
17 +xcopy %1\cpp\libs\winversion winversion /S /Y /I
18 +xcopy %1\cpp\libs\winseh winseh /S /Y /I
19 +
20 +endlocal
1 +#pragma once
2 +#include "winmutex/winmutex.h"
1 +#pragma once
2 +// winmutex.h
3 +// 12/11/2011 jichi
4 +
5 +#include <windows.h>
6 +
7 +#ifdef _MSC_VER
8 +# pragma warning(disable:4800) // C4800: forcing value to bool
9 +#endif // _MSC_VER
10 +
11 +// Mutex lock
12 +// The interface of this class is consistent with the mutex class
13 +
14 +template <typename _Mutex>
15 + class win_mutex_lock
16 + {
17 + typedef win_mutex_lock<_Mutex> _Self;
18 + win_mutex_lock(const _Self&);
19 + _Self &operator=(const _Self&);
20 +
21 + _Mutex &_M_mutex;
22 + bool _M_locked;
23 + public:
24 + typedef _Mutex mutex_type;
25 + typedef typename _Mutex::native_handle_type native_handle_type;
26 + explicit win_mutex_lock(mutex_type &mutex)
27 + : _M_mutex(mutex), _M_locked(false) { lock(); }
28 + ~win_mutex_lock() { if (_M_locked) _M_mutex.unlock(); }
29 + mutex_type &mutex() { return _M_mutex; }
30 + //bool isLock() const { return _M_locked; }
31 + native_handle_type native_handle() { return _M_mutex.native_handle(); }
32 + void unlock() { _M_mutex.unlock(); _M_locked = false; }
33 + void lock() { _M_mutex.lock(); _M_locked = true; }
34 + bool tryLock() { return _M_locked = _M_mutex.tryLock(); }
35 + };
36 +
37 +// Mutex
38 +
39 +template <typename _Mutex, size_t _Irql = 0>
40 + class win_mutex
41 + {
42 + typedef win_mutex<_Mutex> _Self;
43 + typedef _Mutex __native_type;
44 + enum { __minimal_irql = _Irql };
45 + __native_type _M_mutex;
46 +
47 + win_mutex(const _Self&);
48 + _Self &operator=(const _Self&);
49 + private:
50 + win_mutex() {}
51 + typedef __native_type *native_handle_type;
52 + native_handle_type native_handle() { return &_M_mutex; }
53 + static size_t minimal_irql() { return __minimal_irql; }
54 +
55 + void unlock() {}
56 + void lock() {}
57 + bool try_lock() {}
58 + };
59 +
60 +template <>
62 + {
63 + typedef win_mutex<CRITICAL_SECTION> _Self;
64 + typedef CRITICAL_SECTION __native_type;
65 + enum { __minimal_irql = 0 };
66 + win_mutex(const _Self&);
67 + _Self &operator=(const _Self&);
68 +
69 + __native_type _M_mutex;
70 + public:
71 + typedef __native_type *native_handle_type;
72 + native_handle_type native_handle() { return &_M_mutex; }
73 + static size_t minimal_irql() { return __minimal_irql; }
74 +
75 + win_mutex() { ::InitializeCriticalSection(&_M_mutex); }
76 + ~win_mutex() { ::DeleteCriticalSection(&_M_mutex); }
77 + void lock() { ::EnterCriticalSection(&_M_mutex); }
78 + void unlock() { ::LeaveCriticalSection(&_M_mutex); }
79 + bool try_lock() { return ::TryEnterCriticalSection(&_M_mutex); }
80 + };
81 +
82 +// Conditional variable
83 +
84 +template <typename _Cond>
85 + class win_mutex_cond
86 + {
87 + typedef win_mutex_cond<_Cond> _Self;
88 + typedef _Cond __native_type;
89 + win_mutex_cond(const _Self&);
90 + _Self &operator=(const _Self&);
91 +
92 + __native_type _M_cond;
93 + public:
94 + enum wait_status { no_timeout = 0, timeout };
95 + typedef __native_type *native_handle_type;
96 +
97 + win_mutex_cond() {}
98 + native_handle_type native_handle() { return &_M_cond; }
99 +
100 + void notify_one() {}
101 + void notify_all() {}
102 +
103 + template <typename _Mutex>
104 + void wait(_Mutex &mutex) {}
105 +
106 + template <typename _Mutex, typename _Pred>
107 + void wait(_Mutex &mutex, _Pred pred) {}
108 +
109 + template <typename _Mutex>
110 + wait_status wait_for(_Mutex &mutex, int msecs) {}
111 +
112 + template <typename _Mutex, typename _Pred>
113 + wait_status wait_for(_Mutex &mutex, int msecs, _Pred pred) {}
114 + };
115 +
116 +// Note: Conditional variables are NOT availabe on Windows XP/2003
117 +// See: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/condition_variable
118 +// See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686903%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
119 +template <>
120 + class win_mutex_cond<CONDITION_VARIABLE>
121 + {
122 + typedef win_mutex_cond<CONDITION_VARIABLE> _Self;
123 + typedef CONDITION_VARIABLE __native_type;
124 + win_mutex_cond(const _Self&);
125 + _Self &operator=(const _Self&);
126 +
127 + __native_type _M_cond;
128 + public:
129 + enum wait_status { no_timeout = 0, timeout };
130 + typedef __native_type *native_handle_type;
131 + native_handle_type native_handle() { return &_M_cond; }
132 +
133 + win_mutex_cond() { ::InitializeConditionVariable(&_M_cond); }
134 +
135 + void notify_one() { ::WakeConditionVariable(&_M_cond); }
136 + void notify_all() { ::WakeAllConditionVariable(&_M_cond); }
137 +
138 + template <typename _Mutex>
139 + void wait(_Mutex &mutex)
140 + { ::SleepConditionVariableCS(&_M_cond, mutex.native_handle(), INFINITE); }
141 +
142 + template <typename _Mutex, typename _Pred>
143 + void wait(_Mutex &mutex, _Pred pred)
144 + { while (!pred()) wait(mutex); }
145 +
146 + template <typename _Mutex>
147 + wait_status wait_for(_Mutex &mutex, int msecs)
148 + { return ::SleepConditionVariableCS(&_M_cond, mutex.native_handle(), msecs) ? no_timeout : timeout; }
149 +
150 + template <typename _Mutex, typename _Pred>
151 + wait_status wait_for(_Mutex &mutex, int msecs, _Pred pred)
152 + {
153 + auto start = ::GetTickCount();
154 + while (!pred()) {
155 + auto now = ::GetTickCount();
156 + msecs -= now - start;
157 + if (msecs <= 0)
158 + return timeout;
159 + start = now;
160 + wait_for(mutex, msecs);
161 + }
162 + return no_timeout;
163 + }
164 + };
165 +
166 +// EOF
1 +# winmutex.pri
2 +# 3/8/2013 jichi
3 +
5 +
7 +#LIBS += -lkernel32 -luser32
8 +
9 +HEADERS += \
10 + $$PWD/winmutex \
11 + $$PWD/winmutex.h
12 +
13 +# EOF
1 +# Makefile
2 +# 12/13/2013 jichi
3 +# This file is for Windows only.
4 +# Compile SAFESEH table from the ASM file.
5 +# See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19722308/exception-handler-not-called-in-c
6 +# See: ::http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12019689/custom-seh-handler-with-safeseh
7 +# See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/16aexws6.aspx
8 +
9 +BUILDDIR = ../../../build
10 +OBJ = $(BUILDDIR)/safeseh.obj
11 +
12 +ML = ml
13 +CFLAGS =
14 +
15 +.PHONY: all compile clean
16 +
17 +all: compile
18 +
19 +compile: $(OBJ)
20 +
21 +$(OBJ): safeseh.asm
22 + $(ML) $(CFLAGS) -Fo $@ -c -safeseh $^
23 +
24 +clean:
25 +
26 +# EOF
1 +; safeseh.asm
2 +; 12/13/2013 jichi
3 +; see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12019689/custom-seh-handler-with-safeseh
4 +; see: http://code.metager.de/source/xref/WebKit/Source/WebCore/platform/win/makesafeseh.asm
5 +; see: http://jpassing.com/2008/05/20/fun-with-low-level-seh/
6 +.386
7 +.model flat, stdcall
8 +option casemap :none
9 +
10 +; The symbol name can be found out using: dumpbin /symbols winseh.obj
11 +extern _seh_handler:near ; defined in winseh.cc
12 +
13 +_seh_asm_handler proto
14 +.safeseh _seh_asm_handler
15 +
16 +.code
17 +_seh_asm_handler proc
18 +jmp _seh_handler
19 +_seh_asm_handler endp
20 +
21 +end
1 +// winseh.cc
2 +// 12/13/2013 jichi
3 +
4 +#include "winseh/winseh.h"
5 +#include "ntdll/ntdll.h"
6 +//#include <cstdio>
7 +
8 +// - Global variables -
9 +
10 +seh_dword_t seh_esp[seh_capacity],
11 + seh_eip[seh_capacity],
12 + seh_eh[seh_capacity];
13 +seh_dword_t seh_count;
14 +
15 +// - Exception handlers -
16 +
17 +// VC 2013: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b6sf5kbd.aspx
19 +// _In_ PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord,
20 +// _In_ ULONG64 EstablisherFrame,
21 +// _Inout_ PCONTEXT ContextRecord,
22 +// _Inout_ PDISPATCHER_CONTEXT DispatcherContext
23 +// );
24 +//
25 +// winnt.h: http://www.codemachine.com/downloads/win81/ntdef.h
26 +// typedef
27 +// __drv_sameIRQL
28 +// __drv_functionClass(EXCEPTION_ROUTINE)
30 +// NTAPI
32 +// _Inout_ struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord,
33 +// _In_ PVOID EstablisherFrame,
34 +// _In_ struct _CONTEXT *ContextRecord,
35 +// _In_ PVOID DispatcherContext
36 +// );
37 +extern "C" EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION _seh_handler( // extern C is needed to avoid name hashing in C++
38 + _In_ PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord,
39 + _In_ PVOID EstablisherFrame, // does not work if I use ULONG64
40 + _Inout_ PCONTEXT ContextRecord,
41 + _In_ PVOID DispatcherContext) // PDISPATCHER_CONTEXT is not declared in windows.h
42 +{
43 + //assert(::seh_count > 0);
44 + ContextRecord->Esp = ::seh_esp[::seh_count - 1];
45 + ContextRecord->Eip = ::seh_eip[::seh_count - 1];
46 + //printf("seh_handler:%i,%x,%x\n", ::seh_count, ContextRecord->Esp, ContextRecord->Eip);
47 + return ::seh_eh[::seh_count - 1] ?
48 + reinterpret_cast<PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE>(::seh_eh[::seh_count - 1])(ExceptionRecord, EstablisherFrame, ContextRecord, DispatcherContext) :
49 + ExceptionContinueExecution;
50 +}
51 +
52 +// EOF
1 +#pragma once
2 +
3 +// winseh.h
4 +// 12/13/2013 jichi
5 +// See: http://code.metager.de/source/xref/WebKit/Source/WebCore/platform/win/makesafeseh.asm
6 +// See: http://jpassing.com/2008/05/20/fun-with-low-level-seh/
7 +
8 +#ifdef _MSC_VER
9 +# pragma warning (disable:4733) // C4733: Inline asm assigning to 'FS:0' : handler not registered as safe handler
10 +#endif // _MSC_VER
11 +
12 +#define SEH_RAISE (*(int*)0 = 0) // raise C000005, for debugging only
13 +
14 +// Maximum number of nested SEH
15 +// Default nested function count is 100, see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8656089/solution-for-fatal-error-maximum-function-nesting-level-of-100-reached-abor
16 +#ifndef SEH_CAPACITY
17 +# define SEH_CAPACITY 100
18 +#endif // SEH_CAPACITY
19 +
20 +enum { seh_capacity = SEH_CAPACITY };
21 +
22 +typedef unsigned long seh_dword_t; // DWORD in <windows.h>
23 +
24 +// 12/13/2013 jichi
25 +// The list implementation is not thread-safe
26 +extern seh_dword_t seh_esp[seh_capacity], // LPVOID, current stack
27 + seh_eip[seh_capacity], // LPVOID, current IP address
28 + seh_eh[seh_capacity]; // EXCEPTION_ROUTINE, current exception handler function address
29 +extern seh_dword_t seh_count; // current number of exception handlers
30 +extern seh_dword_t seh_handler; //extern PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE seh_handler;
31 +
32 +/**
33 + * Push SEH handler
34 + * @param _label exception recover label which should be the same as seh_pop_
35 + * @param _eh EXCEPTION_ROUTINE or 0
36 + * @param _r1 scalar register name, such as eax
37 + * @param _r2 counter register name, such as ecx
38 + *
39 + * Note: __asm prefix is needed to allow inlining macro
40 + * I didn't pushad and popad which seems to be not needed
41 + *
42 + * For SEH, see:
43 + * http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/82701/Win32-Exceptions-OS-Level-Point-of-View
44 + * http://sploitfun.blogspot.com/2012/08/seh-exploit-part1.html
45 + * http://sploitfun.blogspot.com/2012/08/seh-exploit-part2.html
46 + *
47 + * fs:0x0 on Windows is the pointer to ExceptionList
48 + * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4657661/what-lies-at-fs0x0-on-windows
49 + *
50 + * EPB and ESP
51 + * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1395591/what-is-exactly-the-base-pointer-and-stack-pointer-to-what-do-they-point
52 + */
53 +#define seh_push_(_label, _eh, _r1, _r2) \
54 + { \
55 + __asm mov _r1, _eh /* move new handler address */ \
56 + __asm mov _r2, seh_count /* get current seh counter */ \
57 + __asm mov dword ptr seh_eh[_r2*4], _r1 /* set recover exception hander */ \
58 + __asm mov _r1, _label /* move jump label address */ \
59 + __asm mov dword ptr seh_eip[_r2*4], _r1 /* set recover eip as the jump label */ \
60 + __asm push seh_handler /* push new safe seh handler */ \
61 + __asm push fs:[0] /* push old fs:0 */ \
62 + __asm mov dword ptr seh_esp[_r2*4], esp /* safe current stack address */ \
63 + __asm mov fs:[0], esp /* change fs:0 to the current stack */ \
64 + __asm inc seh_count /* increase number of seh */ \
65 + }
66 + //TODO: get sizeof dword instead of hardcode 4
67 +
68 +/**
69 + * Restore old SEH handler
70 + * @param _label exception recover label which should be the same as seh_push_
71 + */
72 +#define seh_pop_(_label) \
73 + { \
74 + __asm _label: /* the exception recover label */ \
75 + __asm pop dword ptr fs:[0] /* restore old fs:0 */ \
76 + __asm add esp, 4 /* pop seh_handler */ \
77 + __asm dec seh_count /* decrease number of seh */ \
78 + }
79 +
80 +#define seh_pop() seh_pop_(seh_exit)
81 +#define seh_push() seh_push_(seh_exit, 0, eax, ecx) // use ecx as counter better than ebx
82 +
83 +/**
84 + * @param _eh EXCEPTION_ROUTINE or 0
85 + */
86 +#define seh_push_eh(_eh) seh_push_(seh_exit, _eh, eax, ecx)
87 +
88 +/**
89 + * Wrap the code block with SEH handler
90 + * @param* any code block. The colon for the last expression is optional.
91 + */
92 +#define seh_with(...) \
93 + { \
94 + seh_push() \
95 + __VA_ARGS__ \
96 + ; \
97 + seh_pop() \
98 + }
99 +
100 +/**
101 + * Wrap the code block with SEH handler
102 + * @param _eh EXCEPTION_ROUTINE or 0
103 + * @param* any code block. The colon for the last expression is optional.
104 + */
105 +#define seh_with_eh(_eh, ...) \
106 + { \
107 + seh_push_eh(_eh) \
108 + __VA_ARGS__ \
109 + ; \
110 + seh_pop() \
111 + }
112 +
113 +// EOF
114 +
115 +//#define seh_push_front() \
116 +// { \
117 +// __asm mov eax, seh_exit \
118 +// __asm mov seh_eip, eax \
119 +// __asm push seh_handler \
120 +// __asm push fs:[0] \
121 +// __asm mov seh_esp, esp \
122 +// __asm mov fs:[0], esp \
123 +// }
124 +//
125 +//#define seh_pop_front() \
126 +// { \
127 +// __asm seh_exit: \
128 +// __asm mov eax, [esp] \
129 +// __asm mov fs:[0], eax \
130 +// __asm add esp, 8 \
131 +// }
132 +//
133 +//#define seh_push_back() \
134 +// { \
135 +// __asm mov eax, seh_exit \
136 +// __asm mov ecx, seh_capacity - 1 \
137 +// __asm mov DWORD PTR seh_eip[ecx*4], eax \
138 +// __asm push seh_handler \
139 +// __asm push fs:[0] \
140 +// __asm mov DWORD PTR seh_esp[ecx*4], esp \
141 +// __asm mov fs:[0], esp \
142 +// }
143 +//
144 +//#define seh_pop_back() \
145 +// { \
146 +// __asm seh_exit: \
147 +// __asm mov eax, [esp] \
148 +// __asm mov fs:[0], eax \
149 +// __asm add esp, 8 \
150 +// }
1 +// winseh_safe.cc
2 +// 12/13/2013 jichi
3 +// See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12019689/custom-seh-handler-with-safeseh
4 +
5 +#include "winseh/winseh.h"
6 +
7 +extern "C" int __stdcall _seh_asm_handler();
8 +seh_dword_t seh_handler = reinterpret_cast<seh_dword_t>(_seh_asm_handler);
9 +
10 +// EOF
1 +# winseh_safe.pri
2 +# 12/13/2013 jichi
3 +#
4 +# Need link with with SEH assembly
5 +# See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12019689/custom-seh-handler-with-safeseh
6 +# See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19722308/exception-handler-not-called-in-c
7 +win32 {
8 +#include(../../../config.pri)
9 +
10 +# Disable buffer security check: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8dbf701c.aspx
12 +
13 +LIBS += safeseh.obj # compiled from safeseh.asm using ml -safeseh
14 +
16 +
18 +
19 +HEADERS += $$PWD/winseh.h
20 +SOURCES += \
21 + $$PWD/winseh.cc \
22 + $$PWD/winseh_safe.cc
23 +
24 +OTHER_FILES += \
25 + $$PWD/safeseh.asm \
26 + $$PWD/Makefile
27 +}
28 +
29 +# EOF
1 +// winseh_unsafe.cc
2 +// 12/13/2013 jichi
3 +// See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19722308/exception-handler-not-called-in-c
4 +
5 +#include "winseh/winseh.h"
6 +#include <windows.h>
7 +
9 +seh_dword_t seh_handler = reinterpret_cast<seh_dword_t>(_seh_handler);
10 +
11 +// EOF